Kat Leese (Katbite) finished third - here is the jury report. Jaap will be posting a full review of his view of the night here, but you can also read an article at 3voor12 Rotterdam
Need to get in touch with us in a hurry? Mail denhaagsongwritersguild@yahoo.com or phone Kat on 0625570146. The Den Haag Songwriters Guild is a network of singer-songwriters.
If you would like to join please send us an email. We organise weekly gigs in several cafes, and put on mini-festivals from time to time. The guild is always looking for more opportunities to get out there and play, please get in touch. If you are a music-lover and would like to be kept up to date occasionally on guild activities, send an email to this address We are on myspace and hyves too, so come be our friend
What is the Den Haag Songwriters Guild?
The guild was set up in 2006 to support and encourage singersongwriter activity in Den Haag. There was a lack of places to perform for soloists, and singersongwriters from outside Den Haag found it also difficult to find places to play.
The basis of the guild is a weekly evening in Lokaal Vredebreuk, where three singersongwriters present 30-45 minutes of their own songs. There is also a bi-weekly radio spot on Kakophonie. Every three months an evening Singer Songwriters Condensed is held in the HPC. The guild is also regularly asked to program local festivals, for example the Kade Rock, the Haags Pop Week and the HPC winter festival.
The focus of the guild is on our local members, however the theory is that the more talent we can attract here, the more we can learn ourselves, and also gain more knowledge about other places to go and play in other parts of the country.
The guild was modeled on the Amsterdam Songwriters Guild, and there are a lot of members that belong to both.
Running the guild incurs costs such as telephone calls, transport costs, printing and photocopying, etc. We dont change any membership
fees to our members, and in fact do our best to ensure that as many of the gigs we put on pay the performers. In the future we hope to
become an official organisation and then we can apply for subsidies and things, but right now the guild costs are paid right out of
my own pocket. If you can spare a few euros to contribute towards our running costs, we would be very greatful! You can donate via this paypal link,
or if you would rather transfer it by bank, send us an email for the account details.
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