Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Lucky Fonz III and Slau

At his concerts, some boys go very quiet, while some girls cry. But everyone comes out of it ok in the end... Lucky Fonz released his seft-titled debut early 2006, and went on to waltz through several respected competitions sucessively and in December he will appear in the Melkweg for the final of the Grote Prijs van Nederland. This Sunday this talented writer of sobre folksongs will have his chance to show Den Haag what all the fuss is about. I dont know about you but Im pretty curious... Slau will be performing too, check out their myspace, there are some nice recordings of their songs. This band fronted by Jeroen van de Wiel, who wrotes all the material, which is Dutch language. They describe their sound as being between Cash and Brel

This Sunday, 9pm in Lokaal Vredebreuk, Den Haag www.lokaalvredebreuk.nl

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